Monday, October 24, 2011

Romans 6:16 (AMP) "Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)?"

For most of us, I believe our daily walk with Christ is a continual walk of surrender, or at least, that's what it's supposed to look like. Whether we realize this or not, and our willingness to surrender every area of our lives in obedience, is a large part of determining the amount of growth, opportunity and blessing that can be released into our lives. I know that if you asked me what I want out of life, I would say that I want to fall more in love with Jesus with every step I take towards His will ultimately being fulfilled in my life. And I'd guess that most people who have a relationship with Jesus would say something similar. The irony of all of this, is that despite my deep overwhelming desire to know Jesus more and to see His will come forth in my life, it still seems like a daily struggle to stay in a posture of surrender. As I have been pondering surrender I have come up with 3 different types or areas of surrender that I have been studying lately.

1) Surrender of the Bad - So, hopefully this one is obvious. Anything that doesn't line up with the word of God and where He has called you, needs to be be surrendered. Any sin that is in your life, even the ones we often overlook, like anger, jealousy, impatience, gossip, discontentment, and others are best laid at the foot of the cross, this type of surrender is least for me. But really, the definition of sin is basically "to miss the mark" (it's an archery term) anything that's in our lives that is a distraction or hindrance to our walk could be considered missing the mark...even if that thing, for all practical purposes, is a good thing...which brings us to number two...

2) Surrender of the Good - So often there are areas of our lives that we don't realize need to be surrendered, because for all intensive purposes, they are good, Godly things. Maybe you serve in 800 different areas of the women's ministry at your church, and maybe Gods calling for you is, in fact, women's ministry, but maybe God is calling you to 2 or 3 specific women that need counsel, encouragement, and wisdom, and sacrificing some of these areas of service would focus your ministry and bear more fruit. It's obviously not bad to be dedicated to a ministry, but if you are willing to surrender that to God, He may have a plan for your service that is better. Or maybe it's a relationship, maybe your significant other is a good godly person, but maybe they are unknowingly distracting you from things God is trying to teach you, or maybe you are distracting them. Maybe being in a relationship is keeping you from the place of singleness and dedication that God can use to heal you from the past and bring you to a true place of freedom. Maybe surrendering a good relationship, could prepare the way for Gods best relationship. Maybe it's surrendering some of your "me" time in exchange for quality time with your Husband or kids. Maybe that job offer you just received, is exactly the financial break you've been praying for, but have you given it to Jesus and asked with a neutral heart if it's the door you should walk through? There are tons of things small and large that may need to be sacrificed...It's a new perspective, I don't just have to surrender my will, I have to surrender my logic. Things that seem good and right aren't always Gods best, and things that seem so insignificant that we forget to take them before God, might be really important. So it's making a CHOICE to lay everything at the foot of the cross with a neutral heart, even the small things or the things that seem logical....remember the enemy often distracts us with things that seem keep us from Gods best.

3) Surrender of the Best- Maybe you know Gods will for you, as far as your purpose and calling are concerned. Maybe you are in a place of waiting for God to open doors to lead you to His will. But has your desire for Gods best, your desire for Gods promise, begun to overshadow the source of that promise? Are you willing to lay down the promise for the PROMISER. When Abraham was called to sacrifice Isaac, yes it was a picture of the cross and Gods sacrifice for us, but Abraham was also being asked to sacrifice his calling and the promise for his life, this promise could only be fulfilled through Isaac. He was called to sacrifice and surrender the promise, at the feet of the PROMISER. Even if our will for our lives is the same as Gods will for our lives, we are called to seek Him first. Has the promise become a distraction in your life. Are you willing to surrender opportunity, relationships, your calling, your ministry, your family, everything your heart desires... for HIM? Is the PROMISER enough, by Himself, without the promise?

I think in our lives, its at least obvious that we need to surrender the bad things, because the Holy Spirit is so faithful to point those things out. But the good things, the things that seem right based on human logic or convenience, our emotions often speak so loudly in favor of them that we forget to pray and seek Godly wisdom before we act, and then our emotions grow and lead, and the surrender, the ability to truly hear the voice of the Lord, becomes harder. And without surrender, without a neutral heart, can we really hear Gods voice? SURRENDER is daily, surrender of everything....

I guess what I've been asking myself lately is: What areas of my life aren't surrendered? Is there any part of my life that isn't laying at the feet of Jesus, either because of my will, pride, or even just because I thought that it was a non-issue or a "no brainer?" Is there any area of my life where my emotions may be clouding my decisions or the voice of the Lord? Is there ANYTHING that I desire more than the Lord, even my calling to serve Him? What consumes my thoughts, my day, my heart, other than Him? Tough questions, with tough decisions and actions to follow...that's for sure. A place of true surrender, sincerely seeking Gods heart, may be the hardest thing we ever do. The willingness to sacrifice, a great and humbling act of trust and faith before God...but also a place of astounding love, peace, and favor from the Father. What is God calling us to surrender today?

Currently Reading: Changed Into His Likeness by Watchman Nee

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